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  1. Is it possible to get half walls ingame? Instead of using 2.x 0.25 wall?
  2. You guys are missing 1 big thing; the amount of resources wich took way more time back then (on offi that is) to gather or generate them over time. Plus, honey perished alot faster in the old days. Nowadays, rates are boosted.
  3. We're getting reports that mods are not showing up on multiple servers. Players are unable to join. Is CursedForge down?
  4. Does anyone have the same issue they need to download and install the same mod over and over again when trying to logon a server? And if not, please let me know the fix. This is getting pretty annoying.
  5. Great event! I spend a wopping 4 hours on it. Actually I tried for 20 hours, but the other 16 I got kicked/rollbacks/dead babies. Great job WildCard. Just one more thing, all DLCs wich will be coming in the next 6 years still will be free correct? Next to (what a surprise) another postponed date for SE, I really hope you guys stop giving releasedates. They are always months/years/decades later. Stop making a fool out of yourself. Fix the game. Stop adding content, just fix the game. I've added a screenshot about the free DLCs. Just in case.
  6. We're reporting server outages, 5448, for hours now. So, our crew had a talk, for renting our own from Nitrado. But since it takes ages to even get 1 map up, we decided not to. Next to all the bugs/glitches we been reporting and seeing the exact same bugs appearing since release of ASE, WildCard surely lives up to their promisses. No enforcement of rules, no admins checking maps out (hence all spamming), kiting/luring is considered normally. Seems its back to unofficial servers where most owners do actually care about their playerbase. Thanks WildCard. Your promisses are exactly like your company. Hollow and empty.
  7. Too bad history keeps on repeating itself then. Such a shame for a company as big as WildCard not enforcing their own rules. Nor admins jumping in to check on servers.
  8. Since I see tribes having literally having hundreds of those up, I was wondering if thats allowed?
  9. Since day 1 I have experienced every single bug as they where in ASE. ASA is an exact copy form ASE. Literally every bug is there. Me and about 50 players I know posted those numerous times in bugreports. And still hardly any changes. Playing on "officials" is even a bigger drama, some unoffi servers got the memoryleaks almost under control, cant say the same about Nitrado (Those guys really must have a tough time WC hardly fixing or acknowledging their flaws. Again.) Wise men say, that history keeps on repeating itself if things don't get changed nor documented. This is a perfect example when looking at ASE launch (and the years following) and the launch of ASA. -Patch last week; meshing should be fixed now. Nah, its not. Babies still sink in or fly up in the air upon logging in. -Fatal error and crashing even before loading ingame. Not fixed, game just freezes. Hard reset on pc needed before even doing something else -Black screen when starting up game. Hard reset needed again. And again. Again. Etc... -When going in caves, 9 out of 10 times freezes the game. Resulting in death and loss of everything, since you're most of the times not able to even get into a cave due to freezing up the game. -Tons of overspawns, like ridiculous amounts of sharks/yetis/wolves. And if you manage to kill a few, there will be so many others who just lock you in and you cant even move wich results in another loss of all stuff on you. -On Carno island; use your doedic and get unlimited amounts of stone. I stood literally for 45 mins on 1 spot and got thousands of stone, yet not a single rock closeby. -Oviraptors. I like the mechanic they can pickup eggs. However, they can also pickup eggs from othe players on PvE. Nice, you're giving griefers all chances again. Too bad WC, another missed opportunity. -Desyncing toons. Stepping off a mount mostly does this. Another fine example that WC forgot to read their own patchnotes on ASE year 1, let alone the fix for that. -I cant wait to see the "babies/juveniles not eating from troughs" again. It will re emerge, since history keeps on repeating itselves. -And there's much, much more to add to this. Wich I choose not to put in here, knowing what will happen if a player (or tons of players in this case) will do so. WC cant handle fundamented comments and sorry Joel, we did put the above numerous times in bug reports. We're too tired to keep on doing this without any reliable outcome nor true fix. And yes, I feel a bit salty, am I/are we not entitled to this at this point?
  10. Forced exit of Steam seems to be the only way. Can we get a proper fix for this? We prefer before exiting out of early acces.
  11. Skip that, game is now in semi Enlgish/native language. Didnt work out as intended.
  12. Commandconsole isnt working. Or at least, I cant open it.
  13. Does anyone know how to set language on ASA to English?
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