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  1. Think they changed things where you now have to click a button at the bottom that says ‘show other players servers’ or something like that.
  2. Packs should just be cosmetic skins that you can buy. Unless this new Dino is available for free for everyone, it just becomes pay to win. My daughter just bought Palworld on her pc, to me it looks like playing an easier version of Ark with cartoon characters. So I can see a big population of Ark players moving over to that game if they have an Xbox or pc.
  3. lol, sounds like you’re up for a good challenge.
  4. There’s quite a few open servers with different rates. The server cluster I’m on is friendly but it’s 3x and they just recently unlocked all the engrams which might get switched back since most people enjoy earning their unlocks.
  5. You could use stone but it’s easier to get a Dino to collect fiber and there’s hardly any weight for you to carry before the gacha is full.
  6. You could set up a turret and rename your tp ‘warning death’.
  7. Owls drop pellets regularly instead of poop. I put one or two owls in front of a gacha that is full of fiber.
  8. ASE is still full of bugs that sadly now will probably never get fixed since they no longer support the game. Why would anyone buy ASA if it’s an unplayable mess. There’s going to be a lot of people like myself that will wait and see if the game improves before they buy a ps5 to play it.
  9. Just tame something big so you can step on them.
  10. People need the giant chicken since there’s no Maewings. The whale will end up in Crystal Isles, where he can bask in the sun.
  11. Must be why I’m seeing more people come back to ASE, or they don’t like the new cryo system.
  12. Play PVE, you can probably report this guy for abuse, or tell him you will if he doesn’t leave you alone.
  13. Well I’m still on ASE, on the island map I would find Tek Rexes in the redwoods by the river. They should be on ASA if it’s a copy of the original map, or were these things released later on? I wasn’t playing ASE from the very beginning.
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