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Mike585x last won the day on June 26 2023

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  1. And some people questioned me (even on this very forum) when I have previously stated: That was exactly what they hoped for. And it worked (marketing off of impatience especially from taking ASE away), very sad to say. Edit: as for your follow-up saying it's a cash grab- yup, exactly. Thus while I still choose to remain on ASE (even though ASA was gifted to me for free!)
  2. First of all, why and how are you actually acting surprised? Second of all, you wrote: "What is the point of buying a game that you can't even play?". Well, why did you even buy it in the first place, after months and months of blatant warnings from majority of the community? Third of all, "I want to stop crapping on the game and WC but at this point? I'm very tempted to get a refund." Welcome to the party, a bit late though lol. Tons and tons of players beat you to the punch long ago, and even since have never stopped crapping on it either (did you think they did it for their health?). Soo many of the ones who were indeed "suckered" (sorry to say) have actually in fact did indeed get a refund. Quite easily, actually. Lastly, you are here begging for the same things to happen, that people have been begging from them for literal YEARS. Smh. Especially "fix the game please". Lol. All they did was try to "bury" the old brokenness by releasing a shiny "new" version with the same bugs (plus a lot more) to "replace" it. Not trying to be a Negative Nancy, but you got a lot of waiting ahead of you my friend. Don't hold your breath.
  3. Exactly, well said. Also I still refuse to play it, even though someone literally gifted it to me for free trying to persuade me! I'm sticking to running an ASE cluster that mimics Official. If I do go to ASA, it won't be for a long long time and all maps are out and perhaps bugs/kinks are sorted out (unless I decide to pop in and get all notes and that's it, before more map releases. Haven't decided).
  4. Simple, really. Just like with cryopods, it's the act of taking away something long enough to "build hype". So when it's finally released again, they can re-market it as "amazing brand new feature(s)!" and people won't bat an eye.
  5. Everyone knew this would happen. Why are people acting so surprised? Were you actually expecting something different? You pays ya money ya takes ya chances. Those who were smart knew not to bother with it in the first place until they sort it all out. Especially if it's just another "test" (basically Game Preview again). I'm not defending the company, but I knew what was coming. It's your own fault.
  6. What system are you on? I know you can just block their Gamertag/ID on Xbox, PS, and Steam. Does ASA not have the option to show their ID in chat like ASE does?
  7. Mike585x

    ORP Servers

    Yes. Most of the game is PvE, the only difference that makes it PvP is you can attack others and be attacked. I still believe it's "middle ground" between the two. Basically, being offline with orp is practically making your base PvE setting. Sweaty PvPers will just camp until you log in or kite stuff to your base like PvE anyway heh. Or use ORP to make structures invincible using multiple accounts. Trust me, I get it though. I do hope they change their mind and give you all the ORP servers you are asking for. I've never heard of ORP being a thing on PvP servers before, so naturally it does seem intriguing if I ever decide to step out of the safety of PvE waters. One of the main fears of PvP for us PvEers is logging in and all of our stuff is gone. Hence middle ground. I upvoted.
  8. Mike585x

    ORP Servers

    So let me get this straight, you all are basically asking for PvE on PvP servers? Because you don't have time to play PvP the way it's meant? Save yourself the hassle and stress, rip the band-aid off and come to the PvE dark side lol. I heard ASA let's you set up tribe wars like ASE used to do? There's your PvP Idk, perhaps I just don't get it. I'm not on ASA nor PvP though so I don't know how bad it is other than all of the consistent horror stories. Not here to dismiss your idea, just trying to understand (that and I keep getting notifications for this post even though I wasn't following it lol). Is it the fact you still want "occasional" PvP when you are logged on? Edit: So basically a middle ground between PvP and PvE? Happy Arking!
  9. That is because they said there is "no point" in making Console-Only PvE servers (even though they kind-of promised after deleting our ASE Official ones), as if PC cheaters don't also cheat on PvE lol. It is still cheating to skip progression on character, breeding, etc. Also hacks where they can grief you and/or get your base destroyed. Macros/Programs to cheat with Boss kills/farming. A lot of people really don't want to play with PC (and they mean it)!!! I'm not on ASA, but I have observed all of the nightmare stories, especially with pillars. I can only imagine there being Tek Pillars within the first week from cheaters that probably won't ever decay. Doesn't seem fair.
  10. Dunno, I've never had an issue with it. Used to feed my baby dinos even from the bar all the time. I wouldn't recommend trying to do anything major, however.
  11. If the Xbox is turned on, you can stream it from anywhere with remote play using the Xbox app, as long as you have WiFi.
  12. No. It was a announced from the very beginning that it is Next-Gen (Series X/S) only.
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